Research Reports

美國運動休閒產業: Nike財報:再證王者之力 (Chinese Only)
2023.10.02 13:55
US Strategy: Hawkish Fed stance: stocks under pressure near term; long-term outlook remains to be seen - US stocks to remain in consolidation mode near term, followed by rallies in 4Q23
2023.09.25 13:55
美國總體經濟: 9月份FOMC觀點: 聯準會利率展望 : 更高、更遠、更鷹! (Chinese Only)
2023.09.21 13:55
美國科技產業: Apple發表會與SEMICON Taiwan 2023回饋 (Chinese Only)
2023.09.13 13:55
US Strategy: US stocks pulled back last month on over-expectations for soft landing: Clearer monetary policy direction & earnings recovery to pave way for rally in 4Q23F
2023.09.12 13:55
Tesla (TSLA.O/TSLA US): Model 3 refresh unveiled, paving way for 4Q23F growth
2023.09.04 13:55
美國科技產業: Dell, HP & HPE財報 – 強勁AI需求,基礎設施需求轉好錦上添花;PC價格競爭激烈 (Chinese Only)
2023.09.01 13:55
US Strategy: US stocks to consolidate near-term before rising in 4Q23F: US stocks to consolidate near-term before rising in 4Q23F
2023.08.28 13:55
美國科技產業: Marvell 財報 – AI營收優於預期 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.25 13:55
美國科技產業: Nvidia財報 - 再次驚艷市場 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.24 13:55
美國晶圓廠設備產業: 應用材料財報 – 2024年將持續增長 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.21 13:55
Cisco (CSCO.US/CSCO US): 4Q23財年優於預期,2024財年持續成長 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.17 13:55
美國科技產業: 類比IDM財報 - 顯示車用/工業展望悲觀 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.07 13:55
美國投資策略: 美國經濟並非高枕無憂: 過度樂觀屬不智,但美債降評影響股市將較2011輕微 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.04 13:55
美國晶圓廠設備產業: WFE財報 – 中國/車用需求如期,AI相關需求為亮點 (Chinese Only)
2023.08.02 13:55
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