Japan Securities Depository Account Management Fee (Applicable for Japanese Stocks)

What's New

Effective June 15, 2024, a Japan Securities Depository Account Management Fee will be imposed on all Japanese stock holdings. The fee is calculated based on the daily average number of board lots held each month and charged at a rate of JPY 0.32 per lot, rounded to the nearest JPY. The fee for the current month will be deducted directly from your KGI Asia securities trading account the following month. If you sell any applicable stocks during the current month, the applied fee for the portion of sold stocks will be deducted from the total calculated fee prior to settlement. Please refer to the following example.



Number of board lot(s) held in Apr 2024 (on settlement date basis)


JP 2621

JP 2782

Trading Activity

Apr 1 - 2



Apr 3 - 10



Apr 3 bought 500 board lots of JP 2621

Apr 11



Apr 11 sold 200 board lots of JP 2621 and bought 400 board lots of JP 2782

Apr 12 - 30



Apr 12 bought 300 board lots of JP 2782

Fee charged on Apr 11:

JPY0.32 x 200 x 8 days / 30 days = JPY18

Fee for 200 board lots sold from Apr 3 to 10


Fee charged in Apr:
JP 2621: JPY0.32 x (500 x 8 days + 300 x 20 days) / 30 days - JPY18 (Fee charged on Apr 11) = JPY89
JP 2782: JPY0.32 x (400 x 1 day + 700 x 19 days) / 30 days = JPY147