Market Insight

2024.07.17 10:18

Market News CHINA RES LAND (01109) Jun contracted sales up 19%

(Infocast News) CHINA RES LAND (01109) announced that for the month ended 30 June 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries achieved gross contracted sales of RMB32.00 billion with contracted GFA of 1.230 million square meters, up 19.0% and down 8.1% YoY respectively. In 2024, gross contracted sales achieved RMB124.70 billion with contracted GFA of 5.211 million square meters, down 26.7% and 25.7% YoY respectively. In June 2024, the Group's recurring business revenue was RMB4.16 billion, up 17.2% YoY. Among which, the rental income from investment property business was RMB2.39 billion, up 16.6% YoY. For the first six months of the year, the cumulated recurring business revenue reached RMB22.78 billion, up 14.2% YoY, of which, the cumulated rental income from investment property business amounted to RMB14.15 billion, up 16.5% YoY. (WL)

Data Source:INF